Meiko considers compliance to be a critical aspect of management. Each of our employees complies with laws and ordinances, social ethics, and morals working their work. We have codified our standards in the Corporate Charter of the Meiko Group and the Code of Conduct, and provide an overview of our activities in our Compliance Regulations. The Compliance Manual describes the specific compliance rules to be observed by the Company and its employees.
System to Promote Compliance
The initiatives we have taken to ensure compliance include the establishment of the Compliance Committee and the creation of the Compliance Regulations and a Compliance Manual. We also implemented a whistleblowing system and set up the Help Line to provide our employees with a direct point of contact. Matters reported through this system are discussed by the Compliance Committee, and the proper course of action is deliberated.

Introduction of the Help Line
We have implemented a whistleblowing system (Help Line) that allows our employees to freely report violations or potential violations of laws, ordinances, and other regulations. We strictly guard information and conduct investigations with particular care to protect whistleblowers from any disadvantages. Whistleblowers can choose to remain anonymous.
Provision of Compliance Education
At Meiko we provide compliance education because we believe that the fundamental concept of compliance can only work when it is adopted by all executives and employees throughout the entire organization. We issue warnings about insider trading to all employees around the time the quarterly settlement is announced. In addition, we have distributed the Compliance Handbook to all of our employees, as well as posted the handbook on the company intranet. The Handbook contains the Corporate Charter of the Meiko Group and describes matters with which the Company and employees are expected to comply. It also provides 50 easy-to-understand case studies of specific situations that employees are most likely to face.