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Questions about the Company

When was Meiko established?
Meiko was established on November 25, 1975. We recently celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2015.
Which stock exchange Meiko is listed on? When did Meiko go public?
Meiko is listed on JASDAQ of the Osaka Securities Exchange. We went public on December 8, 2000.
*Due to the merger of JASDAQ Securities Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange in April, 2010, JASDAQ is now a part of Osaka Securities Exchange.
Where can I find the corporate profile of Meiko, such as information about the company's capital and businesses?
Please see the "Company Profile" section on this website.
What is Meiko's stance on social contribution activities?
Please see the "CSR" section on this website.

Questions about the Businesses and Company Performance

When is the end of the fiscal year (financial year)?
At the end of March each year.
When does Meiko issue financial statements?
Meiko releases statements for each quarter. For details, please see the "IR Calendar" section on this website.
Where can I find the business forecast for this FY?
Please see the "Financial Statements" section on this website.
Where can I find the annual report?
Please check here.

Questions about Stocks and the Shareholders’ Meeting

What is the minimum share trading unit?
Who is Meiko's transfer agent and where are they located?
Our transfer agent is The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd.
For details, please see the "Stock Information" section on this website.
How much will the dividend be this year?
Please see the "Dividends" section on this website.
When is the general meeting of shareholders held?
The meeting is held in late June every year.
For details, please see the "Shareholders' Meeting" section on this website.
When will I receive the notice of the general meeting of shareholders?
The notice is sent two weeks before the meeting.
Is there anything I need to bring when attending the general meeting of shareholders?
Please remember to bring the "Voting Form" sent with the notice.
What should I do if I cannot attend the general meeting of shareholders?
You can exercise your voting rights as a shareholder by filling out the "Voting Form" sent with the notice, signing it, and then sending the form back to us.
When are the record dates for dividends?
March 31 of each year for the end-of-the-year dividend and September 30 of each year for the interim dividend.
Does MEIKO have a special benefits plan for shareholders?
Unfortunately Meiko does not have such a special benefits plan.
Does Meiko hold any IR meetings for individual investors?
Meiko holds IR meetings to announce various topics, such as future prospects, at the reception held after the annual shareholders meeting.
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